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Suggest Books for Thrall's Collections

We welcome your input! Please feel free to suggest a book for any of our collections (fiction, nonfiction, biographies).

To send us your suggestions, please e-mail us at mid.reference@rcls.org with "Book Suggestion" in the subject line of the message.

Please include as much information as possible, such as the title, subtitle (if any), author's name, ISBN, and anything else that might help.

You can also contact our Reference Dept. at 1-845-341-5461, and we can check to see if we own similar titles in our library collections.

We can search RCLS (the Ramapo Catskill Library System) to see if such materials are available through the library system.

You can follow this link to explore the RCLS library system catalog, if you'd like.

For all other suggestions concerning our library, please speak with our Library Director at 1-845-341-5485.

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