Middletown Thrall Library proudly presents
a scholar-led lecture and discussion on

The History of Slavery
and the Underground Railroad
in Middletown and the Mid-Hudson Region

by Dr. A. J. Williams-Myers
Professor of Black Studies
SUNY New Paltz

Saturday, October 3, 1998
2:00 - 4:00 PM
Upstairs Meeting Room

[Portrait of Frederick Douglass]

"The only true remedy for the extension of slavery is the
immediate abolition of slavery." - Frederick Douglass

The Underground Railroad was perhaps the most dramatic protest action against slavery in the United States.

Join us and learn about abolitionists, their sympathizers, and runaway slaves who defied existing state and federal laws in the name of a higher moral imperative.

For more information or special accommodations please contact Barbara Chumard at 341-5479 or by e-mail at

This program, which is part of State Humanities Month (October 1998), has been made possible by an October Event Grant awarded by the New York Council for the Humanities and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

NY Council for the Humanities - National Endowment for the Humanities

(Click on a co-sponsor's logo above to access its home page.)

Supportive and Complementary Materials

For additional insight into Frederick Douglass and some selections of his historic writings, you may explore two texts of his right here, at www.thrall.org:

Note: These texts were obtained from the Project Gutenberg public domain electronic text archive.

For more biographical and literary resources concerning Frederick Douglass, slavery, and the abolitionists you may explore the remote web sites below:

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