AGENDA THRALL PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT OF MIDDLETOWN AND WALLKILL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Wednesday, December 9, 2015 - 5:00pm I. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE II. ROLL CALL III. MINUTES a. Approval of November 4,2015 regular monthly meeting minutes IV. VISITOR COMMENTS V. STAFF REPORT VI. CORRESPONDENCE VII. PRESIDENT'S REPORT VIII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT IX. TREASURER'S REPORT a. Financial Reports b. Monthly Disbursements (VOTE) c. Amendments and Transfers (VOTE) X. COMMITTEE REPORT a. Building and Grounds Report b. 2016 Nominating Committee XI. OLD BUSINESS a. 2016 PILOT (Crystal Run Galleria Mall) XII. NEW BUSINESS a. Library Circulation Trends b. Part –Time Salaries 2016 (VOTE) c. Administrative Salaries 2016 (VOTE) XIII. ADJOURNMENT   DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, January, 13, 2016