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Web Resources
American Meteorological Society's Glossary of Meteorology
Browse alphabetically or search. Note: search only works for exact terms or phrases. To find more matches, click their Search Definitions box.
Factmonster.com: Weather
Topics include: Fahrenheit and Celsius Scales, Air Pressure and Humidity, Weather Words, Revised Wind Chill Index, Beaufort Wind Scale, Ultraviolet Index: What You Need to Know, What Kind of Cloudy Is It?, Thunderstorms, Lightning, Lightning Deaths, Hurricanes, Costliest Hurricanes in the United States (U.S. Mainland), Retired Hurricane Names, Atlantic Hurricane Names, International Cyclone Definitions, Winter Storms, Winter Weather Across America, Greatest Snowfalls in North America, World and U.S. Extremes of Climate, Record Highest Temperatures by State, Record Lowest Temperatures by State, Monthly State Maximum and Minimum Temperature Extremes, Climate of 100 Selected U.S. Cities, Average Daily Temperatures in Tourist Cities, Worst Weather of the Twentieth Century, Weather and Climate Websites.
From How Stuff Works:
How Hurricanes Works
How Lightning Works
How Weather Works
National Weather Service
Forecasts and a lot of information.
The Weather Channel Kids
Under WeatherEd you will find a weather encyclopedia, glossary, teacher resources, and an online resource guide.
The Weather Channel Storm Encyclopedia
Topics include: Winter Storms, Watches and Warnings, Precipitation, Flooding, Heat Waves, Hurricanes and Tropical Systems, Severe Thunderstorms, and Tornadoes.
Weather Forecasts
From our Thrall News Guide
Winter Storm Names: 2012-2013
From The Weather Channel. See also this article on why winter storms are now being named.

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